The Score Counter app is for those passionate players who like to keep track of points when playing a game. This application offers a simple solution to make games more enjoyable and count scores easily without needing a pen, paper, or calculator.
Main features:
• Up to 30+ players (can add more for running games);
• Select and update the order of the players;
• Select the order of the rounds;
• Add, edit, and remove rounds;
• History: all games are saved locally on your device;
• Modify the score from the game screen (simple tap) or from the edit round screen (long tap);
• Change username or color;
• Finish, restart, or continue a finished game;
• Check game status in 4 different charts;
• Username and score sum rows will always stay visible while scrolling;
• Dark and Light mode;
• In-app calculator;
• In-app timer and stopwatch;
• Custom short inputs;
• Export game into .xlsx (excel) file;
• 32 supported languages;
Would you like to use the app in your mother language? You can help me translate it:
If you find a bug, please email me the bug description. I'll make sure to do it as soon as possible.