About the Openepub Reader – EPUB3.0 Reader / EPUB3.0 Viewer
EPUB3.0 reader app that opens with .epub extension file.
EPUB reading system application that reads EPUB3.0 eBooks that downloaded from the internet and that saved in the local device.
- Open files with .epub extension.
- Customized TOC provided additionally.
- Reopen to the location of last reading page.
- Import .epub eBooks by selecting "Open with" context menu which pops up when you tap .epub file in file browser.
- Import .epub eBooks from the email app's file attachments.
- Choose Options that have one page(landscape) two pages(landscape) or scroll type(portrait) with fixed-layout book and Options that have one page(portrait) or scroll type(portrait) with reflowable-layout book.
- Audio playback and video full screen switch.
- Media Overlay SMIL support to fixed layout ePUB With Read Aloud Feature For Fixed-Layout ePUB.
- Double-tap the image to zoom-in image on the popup.
- Track the path of moving pages.
- To turn pages and toggle menus, use two touches(multi-touch) on both sides and center of the screen, respectively.
- Adjust font size.
- Jump to the reading pages by history buttons.
- Add notes, highlighters or bookmarks of reading pages.
- EPUB reflowable-layout viewer.
- EPUB fixed-layout viewer.
- Select Scrolling type viewer or paging type viewer.
- Browse .epub .zip epub files on your device.
- Find text across all pages of the book.
Cautions when using this app
- When you install this Openepub Reader App.
- There are no pre-imported EPUB eBooks in bookshelf of Openepub Reader by default setting.
- Read "App Manual " which is posted on the Openepub Reader's main view to know how to use Openepub Reader.